Sunday, June 3, 2007

What the....she's still around????

Yeah, she's still here. However....

Her daughter has officially graduated and started college....

She has a 7th grader....

She cut her hair....

Listens to country and western....

Got rid of the mini van for a sporty little Jetta....


Got a job.

Imagine that. Does blog protocol suggest a title change? I'll have to read up on that.

More to come....

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas....

With all I've had to do lately, writing an entry was the last thing on my mind. Then the egg nog kicked in and I thought, what the heck. It's only the 23rd. I've got another day to shop.

Yes, once again I procrastinated to the point where I had to do all of my shopping, baking, and cleaning during the last week of December. Honestly though, it doesn't bother me. I enjoy getting out with all the other cheerful shoppers, ("Excuse me sir, do you see what I see? The sign says 10 items or less....that roll of Lifesavers counts as #11 so move it!) wayward seniors, (Grandma didn't get run over by a reindeer, but the line of traffic she just pulled out in front of), and all of those adorable kids waiting in line to see Santa at the mall ("No Billy, you may not text Santa your list. You have to stand in line if you want to tell him what you want!") All in all it went rather well. I just got home from taking Hayley to finish up her shopping. She is a clever one....she had saved $80 for shopping and every time we went into a store she would say, "Awww, man....I left my wallet in the car!" And every time I'd reply with, "Well, aren't you lucky you have a mom that looks out for you. I just happened to put it in my purse!" She had to buy gifts for her dad and Betsy. She did really well....and afterward we went to lunch together. We had a great time talking and laughing....until the end when I reached for my bag and hit the straw in my half full glass of rootbeer. The look on her face was priceless as we, the table and floor were all drenched. She waited to laugh until I then we couldn't stop. We both walked out of there looking like we hadn't made it to the bathroom in time. Our shorts were soaked....

Yes, I said shorts. It's a balmy 78 degrees here in festive Florida. I'm telling you, it's not easy celebrating Christmas when it's hot and humid. I started baking cookies yesterday and turned the air to 74. It's been overcast and rainy for the past few days, so I just pretend a snow storm is coming and crank up the a/c. However, I will admit that it is much easier shopping without wearing a winter coat, boots, mittens....

As you can see by the pictures, Betsy got a car. She is thrilled with it and wouldn't you know, has managed to keep it in one piece! She graduated last week and is working full time now. She will be going to college in the spring which will be very interesting. They all want to be adults....but let's see what happens when your research paper is due and you have to work till close! Hayley is doing great. She got glasses and says she can finally see in class. I love them....except for the fact that they make her look  so darned mature! I let her pick them out herself....and what an ordeal that was. After about 40 minutes she had it narrowed down to two pairs....the ones I liked and the ones she liked. In the end I told her that she has to wear them, so she needs to choose what she wants. (btw, she chose the ones she liked!). She did really well with them too. Had them an entire week before losing them at church. She did find them a week later in the gymnasium....Twas' a Christmas miracle!!!!

As I sit here I'm thinking of all the things I have yet to do. I've got to wrap everything, finish making the cookies, clean up the mess I made in the kitchen whilst baking said cookies, iron the growing mountain of clothes that are piling up in my already crowded closet (ahhhh yes, my ironing habits haven't changed), and a miriad of other things. I didn't even send cards this year. Then again, I didn't get any either so that pretty much worked itself out. I need to go get my mom's gift (she's in Indiana for the holidays....and here's hoping she doesn't read this), and I also need to get my mother-in-law's gift. I should probably try to squeeze in a trip to the liquor store too....I'm thinking I'm going to need a bottle of "Christmas spirit" to help me make it to Monday.

I suppose that pretty much explains what's been happening around the JBCoupe household this Christmas season. Nothing very interesting....but I wrote about it anyway. Think of this entry as one of those annoying "holiday update" letters people send with their Christmas cards. You know the ones...."Tommy made the honor roll again this grading period. We are so  proud of our perfect little genius. Marcus got that partnership and is now knocking down $500k a year....and as for me, I've had a bit of stress this year. You just wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a size 5 anymore!" You just know that Tommy is cheating, Marcus is going bankrupt, and  the 5 she is referring to is her ring size.

So, to all of my friends and family who may read this, have a very Merry Christmas....and Happy New Year!



Saturday, September 23, 2006

RIP Ananas Comosus....or....why didn't i pick the dang thing last week?

What a sad, sad day in the JBCoupe household. Three years....three long years of waiting, hoping and dreaming have come to a tragic end. Sometime during the early morning hours, our beloved pineapple plant was accosted....leaving nothing but a rotting corpse for me to find this morning. Needless to say, I was in total shock. I went out and surveyed the scene, not sure what to make of it all.

My eyes welled with tears as I sank to my knees, gently cradling my precious fruit. It's sweet smell still hanging in the air like perfume from the heavens. We sat like that for a while....just "piney", as I had grown accustom to calling him, and I. Cuddled together, we sat and I recalled how I had first heard about planting a pineapple top. The day I planted him in my little pot....and the moment he grew too big and I had to move him to the ground. Holding my sweet, tropical friend, I thought back to the day I saw him sprouting for the first time....the excitement I felt. I held him gently and stroked his lifeless fronds as I thought of the past three years, watching him thrive and grow.  Memories came flooding back....and a single tear ran down my cheek as I thought of the things that would never come. No happy day when I would proudly pick him from the plant. Dreams of pineapple upside down cake and fruit salad ripped away before their time. Gingerly, I laid him down and stood beside him. Offering up a small prayer I said my goodbye.

I know it will take time to get over this. My family will have to go without fruit for a while....I just don't think I can bring myself to walk through the produce aisle. The sight of all those ripe, healthy pineapples would just be too much. Driving past farmer's markets will cause my heart to skip a beat. I'm even dreading hearing the Spongebob theme.

I need to move on....I know. And I will. I just pray they catch the ba***rds who did this. I hope they choke on the sweet nectar that undoubtedly spurted out as they ruthlessly clawed at an innocent fruit. I hope their fur is matted beyond repair and it really, really hurts when they try to comb it out. And I hope that for the rest of their lives, they are haunted by the images of my innocentfriend....lying there, his life slipping away like the fructose draining from his cold body.  I have to believe justice will be served....unlike my piney, who will never have the chance to be served on a silver platter, cut into tropical shapes with a dollop of creme fraiche.

RIP Piney. I will miss you.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ahhhh, sweet relief....

"It's the most wonderful tiiiiime of the yeeeeeeeear!!!!" No, I've not gone completely insane, singing Christmas carols in August. However, I am giddy with excitement being that my days are once again my own....I can take a shower without being interrupted 1743 times....and, most importantly, I can vacuume a room and it will stay footprint free for more than 10 seconds. What does this all mean? You guessed it....SCHOOL IS BACK BABY!!!!

I'll admit, I have had a twinge or two of sadness, seeing my baby go to middle school. She, however, loves it. She was a bit nervous that first day, with all of the class changes and such, but she got the hang of it quickly and is having a great time. As a matter of fact, she came home from school yesterday, hopped in the car and said, "I LOVE school!" (Yeah, the pessimist in me says give her two weeks....but I'm gonna bask in the glory of her uber-cheer for as long as it lasts). This is also the year that makeup is allowed. The only makeup she is wearing is a bit of pink on her lips and some gloss over it. One of her little friends is apparently "cosmetically challenged" and Hay said, "Mom, she is wearing way too much!" Atta girl have learned the most important rule in facial adornment....less is more.

Betsy is starting her senior year....well, technically half year. She will graduate in December. She loves her classes as well, and was happy to be back. She started a new job too. Well, she started a new job, was released on her third day and hired 10 minutes later at the sandwich shop across the street. How's that for a busy night? She began working at Subway, but soon found out that the oregano on the crusty Italian bread may have been a different kind of herb....apparently half the employees were rolling more than just dough in the back room, and the other half were not snorting King Arthur. After her first night she talked to two other people at school who worked at Subway's in the area and they said the same thing. One girl who is a manager said she had to send someone home who came in high. Hmmmm, I guess we now know how Jared really lost all that weight! Anyway, her best bud works at the sandwich shop across the street and got her an interview. The manager hired her on the spot and she starts next week. She was pretty excited about am I. She still has quite a few payments left on her car repairs!

As for me, I'm enjoying my days blissfully alone. I can sew in peace, clean in peace, do laundry in peace....maaaaaaan, I got the crap end of this deal didn't I? I think a massage is in order, pronto. Or maybe a nice, leisurely walk on the beach. Or perhaps I'll take a pottery class.  Or maybe I'll do what I normally do....spend hours staring at my computer screen, eating vanilla snack packs for lunch with popcicle chasers....

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Well hey there!!!!

Wow....long time, no write!

It's been quite the summer. Busy as all heck and coming to a quick end. The girls have but 2 weeks until school begins *enter silent cheer of excitement here*, and I do believe they are looking forward to it. It's certainly going to be strange, having a middle schooler and a senior. Our lives are definitely changing.

Betsy has been looking for a new job recently. She's applied all around town. She needs some better hours for the school year, and more money to pay off her car repairs! I'm happy to report that she has kept the van on all four wheels, and hasn't hit anything as of late. Hayley has been having a great summer. She's been busy almost every week. Tomorrow starts a week of performance art camp. Definitely up her alley. Singing, dancing, acting, puppeteering, even behind the scenes work. I know she will have a great time.

Last night Jb, Betsy and I went to a Jacksonville Suns game. I've never been to the ball park here....a friend from work won 4 tickets on the local radio station, and asked me if I'd like to go, being that I'm a baseball freak! LOL....of course I said yes....then he invited Jb and Betsy as well. We had a great time. The guys talked, and Betsy and I laughed and bonded. We left at the top of the ninth, losing 8-5. I still haven't looked up the score to see who won! It's a beautiful park....I wouldn't mind going back to see another game, preferably when it isn't 99 degrees and humid as all get out! Thankfully we were in the shade, behind the dugout. Of course, around the bottom of the 8th a beautiful breeze could hear the whole crowd sighing. It was pretty was bobble head night, so we all got one to take home. And when we came out, they were giving away free loaves of SaraLee bread. Now if I can just get tickets to peanut butter night, I'll be set!

Today was "homework day". Jb had a 1400 word paper for Business Law, and I had 3 assignments for my religion class. Boy, I thought that class would be a breeze....WRONG. It was an elective for Jb, and I told him I wouldn't mind doing it. I picked religion because I thought it would be interesting. Well, it's so heavy I have to read things three and four times before I understand it. I have my AOL dictionary open at all times....this week was, "Oasis of the mind....the psychology of religion". I got to learn about Freud's theory, Jung's theory, self actualization....better than last week on Shamanism and what modern religion has gained from it.'s hoping I pass!

My sister just left after being here for three weeks. She came to babysit London while we were away, then to relax for a few weeks. It was nice having her visit, and I think mom enjoyed the company. She's been kinda quiet since Jody left....I know she is lonely again. Hayley spent the night last night, which helped, and they swam for most of the day today.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer....staying cool and relaxing!

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Happy 4th of July!!!!

::enter gif of fireworks

Greetings from NC!!!!

We've been here a while now, and I've not been able to get within 2 feet of this computer. My aunt has her stepkids here and let's just say....if you want to keep your fingers, you won't be trying to get the keyboard from them! I have never seen anything like it....they start at noon, setting the timer in half hour intervals, and finish at 3 am. Yes, I said 3 am. Needless to say, the family and I have been doing a lot of sightseeing on our own this time! It has been a wonderful vacation, however, and we've been able to relax quite a bit.

Yesterday we spent the day in Waynesville (I thought of you Martha!!!!), and it was gorgeous. It's the most beautiful mountain town with the greatest little shops. My favorite shop, Old Brick House, has the best smelling candles in the world. Betsy bought me one for my birthday....Creme Brulee....and wow does it smell good! Hayley bought me a wooden carved cross with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus, at my favorite Christmas shop. It's beautiful! After we were finished in town, they took me to the Moose Cafe for my birthday dinner. It was delicious! And wouldn't you know, the special that day was turkey and all time favorite! We came home and sat around talking and visiting....and by the time we remembered my birthday pie, it was too late for me to I'm thinking I may have to have some for breakfast! LOL. I had a great birthday....relaxing yet filled with several exciting moments. I loved it!

I'm not sure what is going on here today....this evening we have a neighborhood party to go to at the clubhouse, and of course, tons of fireworks after that. It should be fun.

Thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes!!!! I can't believe you all remembered....heck, at this age I can't believe I remembered it was my birthday! LOL....oh crud....I have to change my "about me" section, don't I? What a coincidence my crs is kicking in right about now!

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!!!!



Sunday, June 25, 2006

Weekend update....

It's been raining all day here....and not just sprinkles. Hayley had a skating party this afternoon and I couldn't see the road with the rain coming at me horizontally. It has lightened up now, however the rain and heat have produced some pretty thick humidity. I fear I shall not see beautifully straightened hair for the next 5 months....yes, the "good hair days" are officially gone. Sigh....

We got of very cheaply with the van....$595....whew. Well, I suppose I should say that Betsy got off cheap. She was happy to hear this, as now she will only be paying us off until she is 28 instead of 30. The car has been in the shop since Wednesday, and I've been driving my grandmother's 97 Civic lx. Let me tell you, that little thing has some, well, balls! LOL....I've been speeding around town, trying to find somewhere to go every day just so I can drive it. LOL....I'm thinking maybe it's time to trade in the van for something a little faster, and a little sportier. Hmmmm, midlife crisis? Perhaps. Only 8 days until the dreaded "37"....yikes. Of course, I'll be in NC for the occasion, which will make it a tad more bearable.

We are leaving this weekend for a few days in NC. It will be nice to get away for a while. My sister will be staying at our house, taking care of London.  I hate to take her to be boarded (the dog, not Jody), after all the crap we went through with Percy. He came home every time with fleas and ear infections. Lon-Lon will get to stay in the comfort of her own home with my sis, who is a huge animal lover. It'll be fun for both of them.

Hayley is looking forward to our trip....I think Betsy is too. It's the last family vacation that she is "legally" required to go on....being that she has 16 days until she is an official "adult". I can't believe I will have an 18 year old. Where has the time gone? My mom's friend has a daughter that I went to school with. She is a big wig over at CNN and just had her first baby. She told her mom, "I can't believe I just gave birth and Sherry has an 18 year old!" LOL....

Speaking of Mom, she just got home this weekend from spending almost a month in Indiana. It was strange having her gone for so long, and good having her back. We took her out to dinner last night, and today I made her favorite home cooked meal of meatloaf and homemade mashed potatoes. She actually flew to Atlanta on Tuesday with her friend, to meet up with their other friend who lives there. They spent a day together, then drove here and spent two days sight seeing and enjoying one another. These three have been friends ever since I can remember. Their kids and I grew up together, went to school together, etc. Seeing the three of them talking and laughing was such a hoot. They came to my house to see the girls and visit....and sat around the table talking and joking for hours. It was so good to see my mom having fun. It's been a long time since I've seen her enjoy herself....she's finally finding some peace with her life, and learning to live without my dad. It was heart warming to watch these three old friends enjoying time together. It kind of brought back a little of my youth as well....

I've got such a busy week coming up. I have to get ready for our trip, get a load of sewing out, the girls both have dental appointments, I have to do laundry....and I'm sure there will be at least 122 other things that will be dropped into my lap before the week is through.

Alrighty, enough complaining....I'm off to enjoy my last evening of freedom before my busy week begins!